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101 | Tucholsky about "Die Weltbühne"

  • Editor Portrait Siegfried Jacobsohn, 1925

    (c) Kurt Tucholsky Literaturmuseum CC-BY-NC-SA

  • Editor Portrait Kurt Tucholsky, 1927

    (c) Kurt Tucholsky Literaturmuseum CC-BY-NC-SA

  • Editor Portrait Carl von Ossietzky, 1932

    (c) Kurt Tucholsky Literaturmuseum CC-BY-NC-SA

  • Editor Portrait Hellmut von Gerlach, around 1932

    (c) Kurt Tucholsky Literaturmuseum CC-BY-NC-SA

  • Editor Portrait Hermann Budzislawski

    (c) Kurt Tucholsky Literaturmuseum CC-BY-NC-SA

  • Portrait Alfred Polgar

    (c) Kurt Tucholsky Literaturmuseum CC-BY-NC-SA

  • Portrait Annette Kolb

    (c) Kurt Tucholsky Literaturmuseum CC-BY-NC-SA

  • Portrait Egon Friedell

    (c) Kurt Tucholsky Literaturmuseum CC-BY-NC-SA

  • Portrait Erich Mühsam

    (c) Kurt Tucholsky Literaturmuseum CC-BY-NC-SA

  • Portrait Gabriele Tergit

    (c) Kurt Tucholsky Literaturmuseum CC-BY-NC-SA

  • Portrait Kurt Hiller

    (c) Kurt Tucholsky Literaturmuseum CC-BY-NC-SA

  • Portrait Else Lasker-Schüler

    (c) Kurt Tucholsky Literaturmuseum CC-BY-NC-SA

  • Portrait Moritz Heimann

    (c) Kurt Tucholsky Literaturmuseum CC-BY-NC-SA

  • Portrait Peter Altenberg

    (c) Kurt Tucholsky Literaturmuseum CC-BY-NC-SA

  • Portrait Robert Walser

    (c) Kurt Tucholsky Literaturmuseum CC-BY-NC-SA

  • Portrait Walter Hasenclever

    (c) Kurt Tucholsky Literaturmuseum CC-BY-NC-SA

  • Audio guide for reading

    Audio guide for reading

    1930 Tucholsky wrote in his text „Twenty-five Years“ about „Die Weltbühne“

    “’My heart and soul’ said Siegfried Jacobsohn, when he regarded the red row of  biannual volumes of the “Weltbühne”, which always sat in front of him. His work was in them, his love and his whole life. For 21 years he dedicated every waking hour to the magazine, and he dreamed, if not of Mozart, than certainly of new employees that needed to be enlisted. Every week he prepared a little birthday for himself. “I will put goodies for you into the next edition…” and savouring in advance he seasoned to taste the works. These works almost always only existed thanks to his initiative, his energy and his loving persuasion.”

    Approximately 2500 authors wrote for the “Weltbühne” until 1933 – 2500 distinct signatures. But all were joined through a common goal, as Tucholsky put it: To turn ‘Teutschland’ into ‘Deutschland’”.

    “We sometimes made tragic jokes –after the Kapp-Putsch, after Rathenau was murdered – and made predictions: it was horrifying. These career politicians, these professional blind men, what they believed to have shrugged off, almost always became bloody reality; sadly we were right after all. They new so many more details than we did, but they didn’t feel anything.

    On the pages of  “Die Weltbühne” you get the true history of the post-war period.

    Voiced by Marianna Evenstein and Derrick Williams